
6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual 4-51
Command List Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions
4.2 Command List
The following table lists all serial/Telnet commands that are used to operate, administer,
and maintain the unit. The Utility Port is ready to receive these commands once the
power-up sequence is complete. The F100 series is used mainly to request or set unit NET
Port parameters. Configuration of the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and
DHCP parameters is also available through the front panel keypad. Changing any
network parameter causes the unit to reboot.
Table 4-1: F-Series Function Commands
Use the front panel keypad to set initial system configuration values at first installation.
Command Function Parameters
F03 Time/Date Request MM/DD/YYYYHH:MM:SS
F18 Software Version Request
(equivalent to F100 VER)
F36 Network Configuration Entry/Request EA, IP, SM, G
(equivalent to corresponding F100 commands)
F53 Operating Mode Request
F60 Satellite List Request
F67 Leap Second Information Request
F72 Fault Status Request
F100 BASET 100Base-T/10Base-T Entry/Request 10, 100
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 EA Ethernet Address
F100 IP IP Address ### ### ### ###
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 SM Subnet Mask ### ### ### ###
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 G Default Gateway #### #### #### ####
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 IC Network Configuration Request IP, SM, G
F100 P Password Change Request XXXXXXX
F100 ST Self Test Results Request
F100 VER Software Version Request
F100 T Request Current Time Source GPS, ACTS, or NTP
F100 CONFIG NTP, SNMP and ACTS Configuration “GET” , “SET”, “NTP”, “SNMP”, “ACTS”, “IP
ADDRESS”, “YES”, “NO”, “W”, “R”
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 LOCK Remote Lockout LOCK
(change requires confirmation within 10 seconds)
F100 L Lock Display Request