Sigma 1000/1200 Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Watertight Partitions Between Cells:
3.5 Replace the last sentence in this
paragraph with the following:
Partitions shall be 3/4" x 5-ply, factory-
fabricated, grooved and splined treated
Douglas Fir plywood sheets, installed
and sealed watertight to permit inde-
pendent cell operation.
Fire Safety Options:
■ In addition to the normal partition function of preventing air
bypass (page 17), this option allows you to use each partitioned
cell of your tower independently. This is valuable where a single
multicell tower is serving several separate systems—or where
winter operation may require less than full tower capability.
■ Occasionally, critical processes or local codes may require you to
install a fire-protection sprinkler system on a wood tower—or pay
higher insurance premiums—or both. Our first recommendation
in such a case would be for you to consider using a Sigma Steel
cooling tower, as listed in the Factory Mutual Approval Guide.
Another alternative that could be acceptable to your insurance
carrier, and which you may wish to evaluate, would be to make
your Sigma tower as fire resistant as possible. This can be done
by any or all of the following measures:
• FRP casing having a ame spread rating of 25 or less. (Para. 8.1)
• Fan cylinders of re-retardant FRP having a ame spread rating
of 25 or less. (Para. 4.2)
⁄4" thick fireproof fiber reinforced cement overlay over the fan
deck—and will provide FRC overlaid distribution basin covers.
(Para. 4.1)
⁄4" thick plywood partitions both sides of the column line
between cells to achieve a fire rating of at least 30 minutes.
(Para. 3.5 and this page.)