Specification Value
Sigma 1000/1200 Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
7.0 Hot Water Distribution System:
7.1 The mechanical equipment support/
crossover pipe shall deliver water to
two open hot water basins per cell
at the fan deck elevation. Water shall
exit these basins to the fill by gravity
through metering orifice-type polypro-
pylene nozzles situated in the basin
floor. Nozzles shall be easily removable
and replaceable.
7.2 Heavy-duty, industrial grade flow-
control valves shall be provided at
the inlet to each basin. These valves
shall permit both flow balancing and
maintenance shut-off to selected cells,
or portions of cells. Valves shall have
machined cast iron bodies, with stain-
less steel operating stems, and heavy-
duty locking handles.
8.0 Casing:
8.1 Tower endwalls shall be cased with
ribbed FRP panels, lapped and sealed
to prevent leakage. Tower corners shall
be finished with FRP corner rolls.
9.0 Access:
9.1 Single cell towers shall include a 33"
wide by 61" high molded FRP access
door in one endwall casing for access
to the interior of the tower. Casing
access door shall be hinged and
equipped with a latch operable from
both inside and outside the tower.
Multicell towers shall have an access
door in both endwalls, and shall include
a lift-out door in each transverse parti-
tion to give free access through the
9.2 The top of the tower shall be equipped
with a sturdy 42" high wood guardrail
system; top rails, intermediate rails,
and toeboards; conforming to OSHA
standards. Posts shall be 4"x4", on no
greater than 8'-0" centers. Guardrails
shall be 2"x4". Single 2"x4" top rail will
be acceptable up to 6'-0" span. Above
6'-0" span, an additional 2"x4" cap strip
shall be included.
■ Gravity-flow distribution basins are a feature of crossflow type
towers. These basins are out where they can be easily inspect-
ed—even maintained—while the tower is in operation. Spray
systems of counterflow towers, sandwiched between the top of
the fill and the drift eliminators, are extremely awkward to access
and maintain.
Marley flow-control valves remain serviceable for the life of
the tower, and provide a continuing means of flow-regulation
between hot water basins—and between cells of multicell towers
as well. Towers without valves do not provide this valuable oper-
ating flexibility.
■ The access doors on other towers may be unreasonably small.
Specifying the size of the door will cause those bidders to take
exception, alerting you to a potential maintenance headache.
Good maintenance practice requires periodic access to the top of
the tower to inspect the distribution basins, as well as the struc-
tural integrity of the fan deck, fan cylinder, and fan—especially the
fan blade securing hardware. And there are no induced-draft cool-
ing tower designs that are immune to this need!