Sigma 1000/1200 Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Oil Level Sight Glass:
5.4 Replace paragraph 5.4 with the fol-
lowing: A galvanized oil gauge and
drain line shall extend from the gear
reducer to the vicinity of the motor,
and shall be equipped with a bronze-
bodied oil level sight glass.
Miscellaneous Options
Wood Cold Water Basin:
10.1 Replace paragraph 10.1 with the fol-
lowing: Include a cold water collection
basin constructed of pressure treated
Douglas Fir plywood. Basin floor shall
be 3/4" thick 5-ply, supported by 6"
deep joists on 2'-0" centers. Basin
sides shall be 1" thick, 7 ply. The basin
floor shall lock into a dado groove in
the sides to form a watertight seal. A
depressed, side outlet sump of either
FRP or hot-dip galvanized steel having
a 1/4" thick faceplate drilled for a stan-
dard class 125 ASME flange connec-
tion will be included. An appropriately
sized (4" diameter or larger) galvanized
standpipe overflow shall be provided.
The standpipe shall be removable for
flush-out cleaning of the basin. A float-
operated, mechanical makeup valve
shall also be included, installed adja-
cent to the endwall access door.
Redwood Components:
Hot Water Basin Covers:
7.3 Add the following paragraph in
the Hot Water Distribution System
section: The distribution basins shall
include treated Douglas Fir plywood
covers at least 3/4" thick. These covers
shall be designed to withstand 60 psf
live load, and shall be easily removable
for maintenance.
Air Inlet Screens:
6.3 Add the following paragraph to the
Fill, Louvers and Drift Eliminators
Section: The air inlet faces of the
tower shall be covered by 1" mesh
hot-dip galvanized welded wire
screens. Screens shall be mounted in
galvanized steel U-edging and shall be
■ The oil level sight glass is a convenience
item that is preferred by many users. The
same purpose is, of course, served by either
the dip stick or the sight glass.
■ Marley basins are used to permit the installation of towers on
elevated platforms or foundations. The cross section drawing on
page 4 shows the relationship of the optional basin, sump and
overflow to a typical steel I-beam support platform.
■ Most of the wood components in the tower are available of pres-
sure treated redwood. However, redwood lacks the strength of
Douglas Fir, which may require structural modifications of the
tower. Please discuss the available redwood options with your
Marley sales representative.
■ These covers are designed to keep leaves and debris out of the
circulating water system. They also serve to suppress algae for-
mation by shielding the incoming hot water from direct sunlight.
■ In wooded or windy areas, these screens help to keep leaves or
blowing debris out of the cooling tower and circulating water