
Your SnapGear appliance
The following items are included with your SnapGear appliance:
Power adapter
Installation CD
Printed Quick Install guide
Cabling including
o 1 normal “straight through” UTP cable (blue color).
o 1 “cross-over” UTP cable (either gray or red color). If you have the LITE+
or LITE2+ you will receive two straight through cables (blue color).
The front and rear panels contain LEDs indicating status. The front panel LEDs are
illustrated in the following figure and detailed in the following table.
Figure 1.1 SnapGear SOHO+/PRO front panel LEDs
Label Activity Description
POWER/PWR On Power is supplied to the SnapGear appliance.
Flashing System flashes once every second when the
SnapGear appliance is operating correctly.
On If the System LED is on and not flashing, an operating
error has occurred. In this situation, the other LEDs
form a diagnostic pattern indicating the failure.
Online/ONLINE On Indicates a valid Internet connection is present.
COM 1, 2 Flashing For either of the SnapGear appliance COM ports,
these LEDs indicate receive and transmit data.
VPN On Virtual Private Networking is enabled.