
Configuring user accounts for VPN server
After setting up the VPN server, select Continue and to show the PPTP VPN Server
Accounts screen as shown in the following figure:
Figure 7.4PPTP VPN server accounts screen
Before remote users can set up a VPN tunnel to the SnapGear appliance PPTP server,
they must have a user accounts set up. The field options in the Add New Account are
detailed in the following table.
Field Description
Username Username for VPN authentication only. The name selected is case-
sensitive (e.g. Jimsmith is different to jimsmith). Username can be
the same as, or different to, the name set for dial-in access.
Windows Domain Most Windows clients expect you to specify a domain name in
upper case. This field is optional.
Password Enter the password for the remote VPN user.
Confirm Re-enter the password to confirm.
As new VPN user accounts are added, they are displayed on the updated Account List.
To modify the password of an existing account, Select the account in the Account List
and then enter New Password and Confirm in the Delete or Change Password for the
Selected Account field.
Virtual Private Networking