
Term Meaning
not a full router, a switch partically understands how to route Internet
packets. A switch increases LAN efficiency by utilizing bandwidth
more effectively.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The basic protocol
for Internet communication.
TCP/IP address Fundamental Internet addressing method that uses the form
UTC Coordinated Universal Time.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair cabling. A type of Ethernet cable that can
operate up to 100Mb/s. Also known as Category 5 or CAT 5.
VPN Virtual Private Networking. When two locations commmunicate
securely and effectively across a public network (e.g. the Internet).
The three key features of VPN technology are privacy (nobody can
see what you are communicating), authentication (you know who you
are communicating with), and integrity (nobody can tamper with your
WAN Wide Area Network.
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service that manages the association of
workstation names and locations with IP addresses.
Document conventions
This document uses different fonts and typefaces to show specific actions.
Warning text like this highlights important issues.
Bold text in procedures indicates text that you type, or the name of a screen object (e.g.
a menu or button).