© 2003 Shure Incorporated DFR22 Software Guide 64
The delay processor temporarily stores the signal in delay memory, then passes it on after the specified interval has
elapsed. The Audio Processor provides the following types of delay:
Use delay to align the sound output from different speakers so that it arrives simultaneously at the audience mem-
bers. You can also use delay to correct phase cancellation problems between installed loudspeakers. Delay can
be calculated with time, distance, and air temperature increments.
Parameter Window Features
This section explains the features of the delay processors using the DLY150 as the example, as pictured above in
Figure 7-9. The features of the other delays are identical, aside from the maximum delay time available.
Use this control to specify whether parameters should be in English or Metric units.
The default setting is Metric.
Block Name Description
DLY5ms 5 Millisecond Maximum Delay
DLY150ms 150 Millisecond Maximum Delay
DLY500ms 500 Millisecond Maximum Delay
DLY2s 2 Second Maximum Delay
Note: Each type of delay processor block will consume the maximum amount of delay memory indi-
cated in the block name, regardless of how much you are actually using. In order to conserve
Audio Processor resources, you should select the delay processor with the nearest maximum to
your required delay time.
FIGURE 7-9: DLY 150ms Window