level is to restrict from accessing a C.O line, and initiating an external call.
You can unlock it when you return.
• While on-hook, press TRSF and then dial 1 0 0.
• Dial your four digit station passcode.
• Dial 0 to make change as Unlock,
1 to make change as Locked out.
2 to make change as Locked all,
• Press TRSF to store your selection.
NOTE: A c c o rding to the status of your keyset, indication may be as
f o l l o w s :
U n l o c k as normal
Locked out the HOLD key will flash with 30 IPM.
Locked all the HOLD key will be steady on
Keysets may receive a voice announcement while on another call. The
calling station must have an O H VA k e y. When you are in DND, you
cannot receive OHVA calls. The OHVA feature will work with
i n t e r com and transferred calls.
To make an off-hook voice announcement:
• Dial the extension number or press the DSS k e y.
• When you receive a busy signal, press the O H VA k e y.
• After the attention tone, begin speaking.
• Finish the call by replacing handset or pressing the ANS/RLS k e y.
N O T E S :1. When you are voice announcing to a station close to you,
use the handset to avoid an echo effect.
2. You cannot off-hook voice announce to single line
t e l e p h o n e s .
3. Upon initiating OHVA, your original receiving voice
channel is blocked and you will receive an announcement
t h rough it, while your transmitting is still effective to the
original party.
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