To page all designated keysets and external speakers at the same time:
• Lift the handset.
• Press the PAGE key or dial 5 5 .
• Dial ✽ or press the ALL PAGE k e y.
• After the attention tone, make your announcement.
N O T E : The LED on the PAGE key will only light when an All Page is
in pro g re s s .
• Lift the handset.
• Press the MEET ME PAGE (MMPG) key or dial 5 4.
• Dial the desired zone number.
• After the attention tone, instruct the paged person to dial 5 6 .
• Press WAIT or T R S F.
• Remain off-hook until the person dials 56 f r om any phone.
• The paged person will be automatically connected with you.
When you have a call for someone who is not at his/her desk, you can
park the call and page the requested party:
• While in conversation, press the PAGE button. Your call is
automatically parked at your station.
• Dial the desired page zone and announce "park" and your extension
number or the line number. Hang up.
To retrieve a parked call:
• Dial 10 plus the number that was announced. If you have a PA R K
k e y, press it and dial the number that was announced.
• You will be connected to the parked call.
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