N O T E S :1. If the parked call is not received within a pre - p ro g r a m m e d
period of time, it will recall your keyset and have a slow
flashing amber light. You cannot park and page interc o m
c a l l s .
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o r e you begin dialing.
When you are calling another station or station group and no one
answers or you receive a busy signal, you can leave a message
i n d i c a t i o n :
• Press the MSG key or dial 43 and receive confirmation tone.
• Hang up. The MSG key(s) on the called station or on all of the
stations in the group will light. Standard telephones receive special
dial tone as a message indication.
N O T E S :1. A station can have up to five message indications.
2. If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must
first lift the handset or press SPK b e f o r e you begin dialing.
To cancel a message indication that you left at another station. Dial 4 2
plus the extension number of the station at which you left a message.
To cancel all message indications left at your keyset, dial 42 plus your
extension. Your MSG light will go out.
N O T E : If the Hot Keypad feature has been turned off, you must first
lift the handset or press SPK b e f o re you begin dialing.
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