Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2E: Navigating Through Menus 52
Menu Launcher. Tap this icon to display any
menu options associated with the screen
displayed on the Sprint PCS Phone™.
Calculator. Tap this icon to display a fully
functional calculator.
Find - Tap this icon to search for text located on
the Sprint PCS Phone™. Messages, Voicemail,
Addresses, Mail Messages, Memos, and To Do
Items are all searched.
Graffiti Writing Area Use this area to enter text using Graffiti writing.
Check Box When there is a check mark in a check box next to
an option, the option is turned ON. To turn the
option OFF, tap the check box. The check mark is
removed and the option is turned OFF.
Drop Down List An arrow pointing down designates a drop down
menu. Tap the arrow to display a list of options.
Scroll Bar Drag the slider up or down using the stylus. You
can also use the up or down buttons on the side of
the phone.
Element Description