Section 3: Using PCS Service Features
3A: The Basics 166
Clearing the Voicemail Message Icon
Your phone may temporarily continue to display the icon after you have
checked your voicemail messages.
To clear the icon from the display screen:
1. Tap the Voicemail icon on the top of the phone main screen.
2. The Messages screen is displayed. Tap Voicemail from the message
3. Tap the Reset button.
Using Caller ID
Caller ID lets you know who’s calling by displaying the number of the
person calling when your phone rings. Similarly, if you call someone
who has this feature, your phone number displays on their phone. If the
caller’s name and number are already stored in your Internal Phone
Book, the corresponding name appears with the number.
To block your phone number from being displayed for a specific
outgoing call:
1. Tap .
2. Enter the number you want to call.
3. Press (if Roaming press first).
To permanently block your number, call PCS Customer Solutions.