
Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2Q: Advanced HotSync 160
4. Tap the drop down menu below the HotSync icon and select IR to a
5. Position the IR port of your handheld within a couple of inches of
the infrared port of your computer.
6. Tap the HotSync icon to start the IR HotSync operation.
Returning to cradle HotSync operations
If needed, connect the cradle to a serial (COM) port of your
2. Click the HotSync Manager icon in the Windows system tray.
3. Choose Setup, and then click Local.
4. Select the COM port where your cradle is connected.
5. Click OK.
Changing the Phone Off Screen
When the phone is turned off, the phone off screen is displayed. The
Phone Off screen can be changed to any of the additional screens that are
available on the SPH-i330 CD. The screen can only be updated using the
HotSync operation.
Changing the Custom Phone Off Screen
To change the Phone Off screen:
1. Place the I330 in the cradle.
2. Insert the i330 Installation CD into your computer.
3. Navigate to the Background Images directory on your desktop
4. Double click on the desired image .prc file.
5. The Palm Installer application is displayed.
6. Close the Palm Installer application.
Note: Only one image can be installed to the phone at one time.
7. Press the HotSync button on the cradle.