Introductory Example
20 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
For our example, the first argument is
The second argument is a pointer to the output buffer that we created for
B_EncryptUpdate. However, B_EncryptUpdate has already placed some data into that
buffer, so we must pass the address of the next byte that is available after the already
filled bytes to
B_EncryptFinal. That is the address of the beginning of the buffer plus
the number of bytes that
B_EncryptUpdate filled, or
The third argument is a pointer to an
unsigned int; B_EncryptFinal will set that
unsigned int to the number of bytes it encrypted.
The fourth argument is the size of the buffer available to
B_EncryptFinal. Because
B_EncryptUpdate has already written to part of the buffer, this value will be the total
size of the buffer minus the number of bytes
B_EncryptUpdate has used, or
Once again, we can pass properly cast null pointers for the fifth and sixth arguments,
which are the random algorithm and surrender context.
Then, for our example, we have:
Step 6: Destroy
When you are done with an algorithm or key object, you must destroy it. The Destroy
function frees up any memory that was allocated by Crypto-C and zeroizes any
sensitive memory. Because you will always want to destroy the objects, place these
int B_EncryptFinal (
B_ALGORITHM_OBJ algorithmObject, /* algorithm object */
unsigned char *partOut, /* output data buffer */
unsigned int *partOutLen, /* length of output data */
unsigned int maxPartOutLen, /* size of output data buffer */
B_ALGORITHM_OBJ randomAlgorithm, /* random byte source */
A_SURRENDER_CTX *surrenderContext /* surrender context */
if ((status = B_EncryptFinal
(rc4Encrypter, encryptedData + outputLenUpdate,
&outputLenFinal, dataToEncryptLen - outputLenUpdate,