
Execute Form: Dynamic Alphanumeric Data
Purpose Incorporates the dynamic alphanumeric data into a previously identified
location on a form.
Format (cc)AFn; (D)ASCII text(D)
AFn Indicates a dynamic alphanumeric field (AF) and its
data (n). Enter AF and replace n with the number of
the data field corresponding to the number used to
identify the field when it was defined with the
Alphanumeric command in the Create Form mode.
D The printable character identifying the start and finish
of the alphanumeric data. Enter any printable character
other than a slash (/), the SFCC, or a character used
within the data. The same character must be used at
both ends of the data field but will not be printed with
the data.
ASCII text The group of ASCII characters (the alphanumeric
string) to print. Enter any of the standard ASCII
printable characters (except the character used as
delimiters described in the D parameter). The data
appears on the form at the location identified by n.
NOTE: Commands can appear anywhere in the overlay text with PGL.
Comments The location for the Dynamic alphanumeric data must have been previously
identified using the AFn;L parameters of the alphanumerics command in
the Create Form mode. Inputting individual commands enters the new data
into the identified location each time the form is printed.
You can repeat the (cc)AFn;(D)ASCII text(D) sequence to complete as
many data fields as you defined on the form in the Create Form mode. You
can also combine the Execute Dynamic Bar Code Data command in the
same Execute command sequence. Each “page” of dynamic data (the
dynamic fields, data, and overlay data) for the form must be separated from
the next page of new dynamic data by a form feed.