
Purpose Defines and positions alphanumeric data on a form as a “preprinted” static
data field or as a dynamic data field.
Format ALPHA
[R;] [E;] [Cn;] [AFn;L;] [DIR;] [UC;] [POINT;] SR; SC; VE; HE;
(D)text(D) STOP
ALPHA The Alphanumeric command; enter ALPHA.
R The optional reverse printing (white on black)
parameter. Enter R to specify a black background.
NOTE: The D parameter, used in earlier line-matrix IGP/PGL versions, is ignored
in thermal IGP/PGL. In addition, the L parameter, also used in earlier
IGP/PGL versions to specify a long reverse field for descending characters
in dynamic alphanumeric data, is provided automatically in this IGP/PGL.
The IGP/PGL will ignore these parameters if found in a command line.
E The optional elongated character parameter. Enter E to
specify elongated character printing. Elongated
characters are double height and single width. If used,
the VE and HE parameters must be set to 0, or an error
message will result. Elongated character printing is
also available with rotated alphanumerics.
Cn The optional horizontal compression parameter. Enter
C. Then enter n = 10-30 to specify the number of
horizontal characters per inch (cpi). 10 cpi is the
default value. 10A = 10 cpi OCR–A. 10B = 10 cpi
OCR–B. If used, the VE and HE parameters must be
set to 0, or an error message will result.