
There is a configuration option that determines whether any data preceding a
command is printed or ignored.
All PGL commands begin with the Special Function Control Character
(SFCC). When the command is not followed by a valid line terminator, it
must also end with the SFCC. Any illegal command or non–terminated
command will print as text.
These features, when used in combination with the new dynamic data rule,
are useful for those whose systems count the number of lines printed and
automatically issue a form feed. Now, the line count can be maintained by
combining overlay data and commands in a single print line. For example:
1~Slanted text~EXPAND;2:2~~FONT;SLANT 0~ Enlarged upright text
would yield:
Normal text Bold text Slanted text Enlarged
Upright Text
Line Terminator
Each command line must be terminated by a line feed (or a carriage return
with a line feed), or a paper motion command. When an inline command is
not followed by a valid line terminator, it must also end with the SFCC. The
command line will not be accepted if not properly terminated. Refer to your
system operator’s manual for your system keyboard and your printer
configuration codes to determine which key(s) (such as ENTER, LINE
FEED, RETURN, etc.) perform a line feed, carriage return with line feed, or
form feed function.
Printable Character
To print, alphanumeric and bar code data must be enclosed by a printable
character (a delimiter). This delimiter is represented by (D) in the command
format. In this manual, an asterisk (*) is used in most examples as the
printable character. (The parentheses are not entered.) Any printable
character can be used as this delimiter except a slash (/) or the SFCC.