Parametric (1) Yes Yes Yes No
Low Shelf (2) No Yes Yes Yes
High Shelf (3) No Yes Yes Yes
Lowpass (4) No Yes No No
Highpass (5) No Yes No No
Linkwitz-Riley Lowpass (6) No Yes No Yes
Linkwitz-Riley Highpass (7) No Yes No Yes
When a parameter is invalid for a given filter type, the parametric EQ commands will still set that
parameter, however its value will not be used for filter computations. This valid/invalid parameter
information above is provided mainly as guidelines for programmers writing control software for the
Vortex. If a parameter is not valid for a specific filter type, then the control for editing that parameter
should be disabled or removed when that filter type is selected.
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Set the
parametric EQ on
input 1 , band 2
to the following
parameters: type
= parametric
filter, frequency
= 1250 Hz,
bandwidth = 40
1/100th octaves,
gain = -20 dB,
enabled = yes,
slope = 1 dB per
octave. The
value of the
slope parameter
is irrelevant for
this type of filter,
we could have
set it to