
Toggle hook status of phone interface. If
the phone was off-hook, then this command
puts it on-hook. If the phone was on-hook,
then this command takes it off-hook.
S01PHONEx , where x is either 0 or 1
depending on the current hook status of
the phone interface.
Query the hook status of phone interface.
S01PHONEx , where x is either 0 or 1
depending on the current hook status of
the phone interface.
8.130. PING -- See Which Devices Are Present
When any Vortex device receives this command, it responds with a PONG status message. This is
typically used by the host program to determine the types and IDs of all linked devices. When used in
this manner, wildcard characters are usually given for the device type and ID so that all connected
devices will respond.
In the following example, it is assumed that there are two EF2280's (device IDs 0 and 1), two
EF2241's (device IDs 2 and 3), two EF2211's (device IDs 4 and 5), two EF2210's (device ID's 6 and
7), and two EF2201's (device ID's 0 and 1) linked together via EF Bus.
Example Description Status Message
Ping all connected device to determine the number, type, and ID of the
connected devices.
8.131. PRESETK -- Delete One or All Presets
This command kills (deletes) the specified preset. If a wildcard character (*) is used to specify the
preset, then all presets are deleted.
If an attempt is made to delete one of the factory presets (in the range 0-15), the PRESETK
command will fail and generate an ERROR#071. This is because the factory presets are read-only,
thus the cannot be changed or deleted.
This command is saved to global non-volatile memory and is not part of a preset. Its value is saved
each time it is changed. It will retain its value after power-down. Since this command writes to non-
volatile memory, there will be a delay before an acknowledgment is returned.