This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Set off attenuation for automixer
1 to 18 dB.
Query current off attenuation for
automixer 1.
S01AMOFFAT1x , where x is between 1 and
100 depending on the current setting of the
off attenuation for automixer 1.
8.27. AMPRIOR -- Set Gating Priority for the Specified Mic
This command sets the automixer gating priority for the specified input channel. Priority levels of 1-4
are allowed with 1 being the highest priority and 4 being the lowest.
This command is a channel integer command. See
Section 6.3 and Section 6.2 for more information
on this type of command. The minimum and maximum values for this command are 1 and 4,
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Set microphone input 1 to gating
priority 1.
Query current gating priority for
microphone input . 1.
S01AMPRIOR1x , where x is between 1 and
4 depending on the current gating priority
setting for microphone input . 1.
8.28. AMREFB -- Set Automixer Reference Bias for the
Specified Automixer
This command sets or queries the reference bias for the automixer reference mode feature of the
specified automixer. When enabled, the automixer reference feature uses the AEC reference to
prevent local microphones from gating on audio from the remote side. The
AMREFE command controls
the enabled status of this feature. The AMREFB command can be used to bias the AEC reference
signal to make the automixer even less likely to gate on remote audio.
The first argument in this command specifies the automixer number (always 1 on the EF2211) and the
second argument specifies the reference bias in dB.