
68 C1553M-B (4/05)
Use the Properties tab to configure the animation settings of DX8000 icons viewed on maps in the VMX300(-E) client. Click Choose next to each
condition to select the color settings for that condition. Note that you can configure a different color setting for each recorder.
Unknown state: When the recorder’s CommStatus property equals Offline, device icons in the client are the color specified here.
Normal state: When the recorder’s CommStatus property equals Online, device icons in the client are the color specified here.
Alarm state: When the recorder’s Alarm write property equals True, the icon changes to the color specified here. If you change either Color 1
or Color 2, then the icon flashes alternately between the two colors when the recorder is in the alarm state. Note, however, that
flashing icons can increase the CPU workload.
Figure 67. Communications Tab for DX8000 DVR
1. IP Address: Type the recorder’s IP address.
2. Base Port: Type the recorder’s listening port.
3. UserName: Type the user name that the device driver will use to access the recorder. This must be the same as the user name defined for
the device driver’s Power User account, described in the Add an Account to the Power User Group for the Device Driver section.
4. Password: Type the password that the device driver will use to access the recorder. This must be the same as the password defined for the
the device driver’s Power User account, described in the Add an Account to the Power User Group for the Device Driver section.
Figure 68. Model Tab for DX8000 DVR