
C1553M-B (4/05) 151
To change the properties of an existing user group:
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > User Groups. In the right pane, double-click the user group you want to change, or right-
click the group and select Edit from the pop-up menu. The Edit Group Properties dialog box opens.
Figure 188. Edit Group Properties Dialog Box
2. Change the properties of the user group as desired. Refer to Add a New User Group for more information.
3. Click OK. The Edit Group Properties dialog box closes.
You can delete a user group regardless of whether it has members. If you delete a user group that has members, they will lose the permissions
the deleted group granted, unless they belong to another group that offers those same permissions.
To delete a user group:
1. Navigate the Object Browser to [project name] > User Groups. In the right pane, right-click the user group you want to delete and select
Delete from the pop-up menu. The Confirm dialog box opens.
2. If you are sure you want to delete the user group, click Yes. The selected user group is deleted and the Confirm dialog box closes. The name
of the deleted group disappears from the Object Browser.
NOTE: Deleting a user group is irreversible. If you delete a user group and then change your mind, you must re-create it using the Add New
User Group option and edit each user you want to make a member of the group.
NOTE: You cannot delete the group you are currently logged in under if it is the only group you belong to.