
114 C1553M-B (4/05)
c. Protocol, Remote IP, Remote Port: The remote device is the device the access control device is physically connected to. If the access
control device is connected to a PelcoNet device, follow the instructions in step (1). If the access control device is connected to some
other kind of device, follow the instructions in step (2).
(1) PelcoNet: Select the PelcoNet protocol from the Protocol drop-down box. If the PelcoNet device has a user name and password
defined in the device settings, you will be prompted to enter the user name and password before proceeding. Enter the IP
address of the PelcoNet device in the Remote IP box. In the Remote Port box, select the port on the PelcoNet device that the
access control device is connected to. Select 1 if the access control device is connected to COM 1 on the PelcoNet device.
Select 2 if the access control device is connected to COM 2.
(2) Other: Select the desired transport protocol from the Protocol drop-down box. Enter the IP address of the networked device in
the Remote IP box. In the Remote Port box, enter the port the remote device’s driver uses to receive ASCII strings. The remote
port cannot be the same as the listening port used by any device driver.
Figure 140. Access Control Points Tab
The Access Control Points tab is used to specify the access control alarms that you want VMX300(-E) to manage. For each alarm you want to be
managed in VMX300(-E), add a point to the Access Control Points tab and assign it a number that identifies that alarm.
How VMX300(-E) Uses Access Control Points
Point number: VMX300(-E) uses the point number specified on the Access Control Points tab to identify which alarms to manage. If the point
number in an incoming alarm string matches the number for a point defined on the Access Control Points tab, VMX300(-E) sets the read property
for that point. If the point number does not match the number of a point defined on the Access Control Points tab, VMX300(-E) discards the alarm.
Choosing alarms: When VMX300(-E) is integrated with an existing access control installation, it is typical to configure VMX300(-E) to manage
the same set of alarms as were being managed in the existing system. For a new installation, you will have to select the alarms you want
VMX300(-E) to manage.
Determining point numbers: Some access control devices allow you to configure the number assigned to alarms. Other access control devices
have preset numbers for alarms. If the access control device you are configuring uses preset numbers, refer to the device’s product documenta-
tion to determine the numbers of the alarms you want VMX300(-E) to manage. If the access control device uses configurable numbers, determine
the numbers from the device’s internal configuration.
Points in the client: Each point you add to the server configuration appears in the Device Control dialog box in the VMX300(-E) client. When a
particular alarm is triggered, the point for that alarm appears in bold print in the Device Control dialog box, allowing operators to monitor the
status of the access control points.
Add Access Control Points
1. Type the number of access control points that you want to add in the Point(s) box, and then click Add.
The specified number of new points appears in the list. New points are assigned sequential numbers, and generic names and script tags.