Customizing 59
(Portuguese), depending on where you purchased
your OKIFAX.
16 INCOMING RING: This function controls the
telephone ringing sound your OKIFAX makes when
a call comes in. When set to off, it does not ring
during incoming calls. The available settings are:
■ ON (default): Only rings when set to Manual
Receive [TEL] mode or when the RING RESPONSE
function is set to 5, 10, or 20 seconds.
■ OFF: Does not ring when a call comes in.
■ DRC (distinctive ring cancel): Rings for each
incoming call with the same tone, even if you have
set function setting 12, DISCTINCTIVE RING to on.
17 REMOTE RECEIVE: This function lets you use an at-
tached phone to tell your OKIFAX to switch from
telephone to fax mode so it can receive an incoming
fax. Use the keypad of an external telephone to en-
ter the remote receive number you have pro-
grammed into your OKIFAX.
In addition, if your OKIFAX is in TAD mode (see
page 21), a caller can enter the programmed remote
receive number after leaving a voice message; this
enables the OKIFAX to receive a fax from the caller.
Available settings are OFF (default), 00, 11, 22, 33,
44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, **, and ##.
18 MEM./FEEDER SW.: This function controls how
OKIFAX normally transmits fax messages: by scan-
ning the document into memory first, or by transmit-
ting directly from the document feeder. Available
settings are FEEDER (default for the OKIFAX 5300)
and MEMORY (default for the OKIFAX 5600).
Note: If you are using the MEMORY setting and you send
a large number of faxes in one session, you may
encounter a MEM OVERFLOW error message. If this
occurs often, you can correct the problem either by
adding an optional memory upgrade or by changing to
the FEEDER setting.
20 ECM FUNCTION: The error correction mode function
may help your OKIFAX improve communication in
areas where telephone line conditions are marginal.
See the Troubleshooting section of this Handbook
for other suggestions if you have communication
problems. Available settings are ON (default) and
21 REMOTE DIAGNOSIS: The remote diagnostics feature
allows a service person remotely to dial and service
your OKIFAX. Available settings are ON and OFF
PC/FAX SWITCH: This function is active only when
the optional PC interface is installed and your
OKIFAX is set to the PC Fax answering mode. In