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Press Menu in standby mode, and select Messages and Delete messages. Scroll to
the desired option and press OK.
Message settings
Your phone offers two kinds of message settings: settings specific to each setting
group (’sending profile’) and settings common to all text messages.
Press Menu in standby mode, and select Messages and Message settings. Select a
sending profile or Common.
A sending profile is a collection of settings that are needed for sending text and
picture messages.
Each profile has the following settings:
• Message centre number to save the phone number that is needed for sending
text and picture messages. You can obtain this number from your service
• Messages sent as to select the message format (network service).
• Message validity to choose how long the network should attempt to deliver
your message to its recipient.
• Rename sending profile to change the name of the sending profile.
1. The number and names of sending profiles may vary. Each profile appears in its own submenu.