
Copyright © 2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
2. Key in the phone number, or search for it in the phone book, and press Call. The
first call is put on hold.
3. When the new call has been answered, join the first participant in the
conference call by pressing Options and by selecting Conference.
4. To add a new participant to the call, repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.
5. To have a private conversation with one of the participants:
Press Options and select Private. Select the participant and press OK. After the
conversation, return to the conference call as described in step 3.
6. To end the conference call, press .
Answering or rejecting a call
Press to answer the call. To ignore the call, press Silence. To reject the call,
press .
The rejected call will be diverted, for example, to your voice mailbox, if you have
activated a call divert option such as Divert if busy.
Call waiting
You can answer a call while you have another call in progress if you have
activated the Call waiting service function in the Call settings menu (see page 60).
While in a call, press Answer or . Or: Press Options and select Answer. The
first call is put on hold.
To switch between the two calls, press Swap or . To reject the waiting call,
press Options and select Reject. To end the active call, press .