
Chapter 2 Application Examples
© National Instruments Corp. 2-11 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
6c. When the SRQ line is asserted, the application serial polls the film recorder to
see if it requested service, as in Step 5.
7. The application issues a command to the film recorder to advance the film by one
frame. The advance occurs successfully unless the end of film is reached.
8. The application waits for RQS, which completes when the film recorder asserts the
SRQ line to signal it is done advancing the film.
9. As soon as the application's wait for RQS completes, the application serial polls the
film recorder to see if it requested service, as in Step 5. The returned serial poll
status byte indicates either of two conditions–the film recorder finished advancing
the film as requested or the end of film was reached and it can no longer advance.
Steps 6 through 9 are repeated as long as film is in the camera and more images need
to be recorded.
10. As a c leanup step before exiting, the application returns the interface board to its
original state by taking it offline.