
Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corp. 1-9 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Unloading and Reloading the NI-488.2 Driver
The NI-488.2 driver for Windows is a dynamic link library (DLL), which is loaded and
unloaded automatically. When a Windows application first accesses the NI–488.2 DLL,
it loads the DLL into memory. When the last Windows application using the NI-488.2
DLL has exited, the DLL is unloaded from memory.
The NI-488.2 DLL might use the services of the virtual device driver, nivgpibd.386.
If you have more than 16 MB of RAM in your computer and you use DMA to read from
and write to your GPIB instrument, then you must have the nivgpibd.386 device
installed. If it is not installed, the EDMA error might be returned.
You can remove the nivgpibd.386 device by editing the system.ini file as
1. Locate the system.ini file in the Windows directory (usually c:\windows).
2. Find the line in the [386Enh] section that is of the following form:
device = drive:\path\nivgpibd.386
where drive is the drive (usually c) and path is the path where the NI-488.2
software is installed (for example, c:\at-gpibw).
3. Change this command line to a comment by adding a semicolon at the beginning of
the line as follows:
;device = drive:\path\nivgpibd.386
4. Restart Windows so that the change in system.ini can take effect.