
wibconf-Windows Interface Bus Configuration Utility Chapter 8
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows 8-12 © National Instruments Corp.
Default Configurations in wibconf
This section lists the default configuration values of the NI-488.2 driver.
Thirty-two devices with symbolic names dev1 through dev32.
Four access boards with symbolic names gpib0, gpib1, gpib2, and gpib3. You
cannot change the access board names.
Access board gpib0 is enabled. gpib1, gpib2 , and gpib3 are disabled.
The GPIB addresses of the first 16 devices are the same as the device number. For
example, dev is at address 1. These 16 devices are assigned to the access board
The remaining 16 devices (that is, devices 17 through 32) are assigned to the access
board gpib1. Their GPIB addresses range from 1 through 16, respectively. For
example, dev17 is at address 1.
Each GPIB interface board is System Controller for its independent bus and has a
GPIB address of 0.
The END message is sent with the last byte of each data message to a device. No
end-of-string (EOS) character is recognized.
The timeout value for I/O and wait functions is set for 10 s.
Each GPIB board and device is set to perform I/O transfers using DMA.
Automatic serial polling is enabled.
At the end of each NI-488.2 routine, the NI-488.2 driver leaves the bus in its currently
addressed state (IEEE 488.2 standard).
Exiting wibconf
After you have made all your changes, you can exit wibconf by pressing <F9> or
<Esc>. The program prompts you to save the changes. Select Yes to save the changes,
No to discard the changes, or cancel to remain in wibconf.