© National Instruments Corporation G-5 PCI-Based MXI-2 Interface for Windows
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488)
hex hexadecimal; the numbering system with base 16, using the digits 0 to 9
and letters A to F
Hz hertz; cycles per second
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O input/output; the techniques, media, and devices used to achieve
communication between machines and users
instrument driver A set of routines designed to control a specific instrument or family of
instruments, and any necessary related files for LabWindows/CVI or
interrupt A means for a device to request service from another device
interrupt handler A VMEbus functional module that detects interrupt requests generated by
Interrupters and respondsto those requests byrequesting status and identify
interrupt level The relative priority at which a device can interrupt
KB Kilobytes of memory
logical address An 8-bit number that uniquely identifies each VXIbus device in a system.
It defines the A16 register address of a device, and indicates Commander
and Servant relationships.