7-2 Electronics Workbench
7.1 Structure of the Component Database
The Multicap component database is designed to hold the information necessary to describe
any component. It contains all the details needed for schematic capture (symbols) and PCB
layout (footprints), as well as other electrical information.
There are three levels of database provided by Multicap. The
Master Database is read only,
and contains components supplied by Electronics Workbench. The
User Database is private to
an individual user. It is used for components built by an individual that are not intended to be
shared. The
Corporate Database is used to store custom components that are intended to be
shared across an organization. Various database management tools are supplied in order to
move components between databases, merge databases, and edit them.
All the databases are divided into groups and then into families within those groups.
When a designer chooses a component from the database and drops it onto the circuit, it is a
copy of the component that is placed onto the circuit. Any edits made to the component in the
circuit do not affect the original database copy, or any similar components previously placed
on the circuit. Likewise, any edits made the component in the database after a copy has been
dropped do not affect the previously placed components, but will affect all subsequently
placed ones.
When a circuit is saved, the component information is saved with it. On load, the user has the
option to keep the loaded parts as is, to make copies to place into their user or corporate
database, or to update similarly-named components with the latest values from the database.
7.1.1 Database Levels
Components are stored in three different database levels:
• the
Master Database stores the components as originally shipped with Multicap; these
remain the same and cannot be edited to ensure integrity of information.
Note Along with the footprint, manufacturer, symbol and other information that is available
through Multicap, this database also contains model information, which is only
available using Multisim, Electronics Workbench’s full schematic capture and
simulation software.
Updating Components from Databases 7-18
Merging Databases 7-19
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