Working with Larger Designs
6-40 Electronics Workbench
3. Highlight the line that contains “NA” in the
Variant Name column and then select
Excluded from the Status column.
4. Click
OK to close the component’s properties dialog box.
5. Continuing with this example, double-click on V1 and select the
Variant tab.
This is a 120V 60Hz power supply, so we want to include it in the NA (North American)
variant, but exclude it from the EU (European) variant.
6. Highlight the line that contains “EU” in the
Variant Name column and then select Excluded
from the
Status column.
Component is dimmed, indicating that it is not present in the
active variant. To set which variant is active on your workspace,
see “ Setting the Active Variant” on page 6-44
Label indicates
component is only
in the EU variant.