3 - 22
3.5.3 Monitor codes
To demand 32-bit data when 2 stations are occupied, specify the lower 16-bit code No. Use any of the
instruction codes 0101 to 011C to read the decimal point position (multiplying factor) of the status indication.
Setting any code No. that is not given in this section will set the error code (
1 ) to respond code
(RWrn+2). At this time, "0000" is set to RWrn, RWrn+1, RWrn+5 and RWrn+6.
For monitor data, refer to section 8.5.3 (2).
Code No.
Answer data
(Servo amplifier
Programmable controller)
1 station
2 stations
Monitored item
Data length Unit
0000h 0000h
0001h 0001h Current position lower 16bit 16bit
0002h Current position upper 16bit 16bit
0003h 0003h Command position lower 16bit 16bit
0004h Command position upper 16bit 16bit
0005h 0005h Command remaining distance lower 16bit 16bit
0006h Command remaining distance upper 16bit 16bit
[mm] or
0007h 0007h
0008h 0008h Point table No. 16bit [No.]
000Ah 000Ah Feedback pulse value lower 16bit 16bit [pulse]
000Bh Feedback pulse value upper 16bit 16bit [pulse]
000Eh 000Eh Droop pulse value lower 16bit 16bit [pulse]
000Fh Droop pulse value upper 16bit 16bit [pulse]
0010h 0010h
0011h 0011h Regenerative load factor 16bit [%]
0012h 0012h Effective load factor 16bit [%]
0013h 0013h Peak load factor 16bit [%]
0014h Instantaneously occurring torque 16bit [%]
0015h 0015h ABS counter 16bit [rev]
0016h 0016h Motor speed lower 16bit 16bit 0.1[rev/min]
0017h Motor speed upper 16bit 16bit 0.1[rev/min]
0018h 0018h Bus voltage 16bit [V]
0019h 0019h ABS position lower 16bit 16bit [pulse]
001Ah ABS position middle 16bit 16bit [pulse]
001Bh 001Bh ABS position upper 16bit 16bit [pulse]
001Ch 001Ch Within one-revolution position lower 16bit 16bit [pulse]
001Dh Within one-revolution position upper 16bit 16bit [pulse]