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(2) Reading the parameter
Read parameter No.PA04 "Function selection A-1" of the servo amplifier of station 2 to D1.
Data No. Description
H8200 Parameter group selection
H2024 Parameter No.PA04 setting (hexadecimal)
Read the parameter No.PA04 by turning on X20.
The respond code at instruction code execution is set to D2.
Turns on instruction code execution demand
Turns off instruction code execution demand
(RY29) when instruction code execution
completion (RX29) turns on.
Writes parameter No.PA04 read (H0204) to
Checks data link status of station No.2.
Reads function selection A-1 (RWr7) and
respond code (RWr6) to D1 and D2 when
instruction code execution demand (RX29)
turns on.
Turns on instruction code execution demand
Turns off instruction code execution demand
Writes parameter group No. write (H8200) to
RWw6 and parameter group PA (H0000) to
Read command