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11.2 Operation at error occurrence
An error occurring during operation will result in any of the statuses indicated in the following table.
Operation mode
Error location Description
Test operation CC-Link operation
Servo operation Stop Stop Servo side alarm
CC-Link data communication Continued Continued
Servo operation Stop Stop Option unit
communication error
CC-Link data communication Stop Stop
Servo operation Stop Stop CC-Link
communication error
CC-Link data communication Stop Stop
Servo operation Continued Stop Programmable
controller error/STOP
CC-Link data communication Stop Stop
Servo operation Stop Continued Servo side warning
CC-Link data communication Continued Continued
11.3 CC-Link communication error
This section gives the definitions of the indications given in the communication alarm display section.
The servo amplifier has four LED indications.
L.RUN : Lit at normal receive of refresh data. Extinguished when data is not received for a given period of
SD : Lit when send data is "0".
RD : Lit when the carrier of receive data is detected.
L.ERR : Lit when the data addressed to the host is in CRC or abort error.
(Note) Communication alarm display LED
Normal communication is made, but a CRC error sometimes occurs due to noise.
Normal communication
Hardware fault
Hardware fault
Receive data results in CRC error, disabling a response.
Data does not reach the host.
Hardware fault
Hardware fault
Polling response is made, but refresh receive is in CRC error.
Hardware fault
Hardware fault
Hardware fault
Data addressed to the host resulted in CRC error.
Data does not reach the host, or the data addressed to the host cannot be received due to
Hardware fault
Baud rate setting illegal
Station number setting illegal
Baud rate or station number setting changed midway (ERROR flickers for about 4s)
Data cannot be received due to power-off, power supply failure, open cable, etc.
WDT error occurrence (hardware fault)
Note. : Lit : Extinguished : Flicker