
Select a color to paint over the image frame.
Can select "White" or "Black".
Please specify either white or black to match the background color of the document.
Filled Area
Select a unit from “Inches”, “Millimeters”, and “Pixels”
[Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]
Specify the paint area from each side of the scanned image in numbers.
[Up] : Input width from the top edge of the image.
[Down] : Input width from the bottom edge of the image.
[Left] : Input width from the left edge of the image.
[Right] : Input width from the right edge of the image.
Each value should be set in the following ranges.
0 < [Up] + [Down] < [Image Length]
0 < [Left] + [Right] < [Image Width]
If any values are out of these ranges, this function may not work.
Digital Endorse
Character string, such as the alphabet and number, is added on the data of the scanned image.
By using this filter, you can attach a name, a date, a time or a serial number on the scanned
images and manage them.