Control Panel Options 39
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Control Panel Options
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel or My Computer | Control Panel
Getting Help
Please click the “?” box to get Help when changing Control Panel options.
Because the RX2 is a headless design, many of the options have limited or no effect on the RX2.
However, items such as the display options do change the appearance of the RX2 desktop when
connected to a PC using ActiveSync and ActiveSync Remote Display.
Option Function
About Displays hardware and software details.
Accessibility * Customize the way the keyboard, display or mouse functions.
Aironet Client Utility Set the parameters for a Cisco radio, if so equipped. (See Chapter 5,
“Wireless Network Configuration” for instruction.)
Battery * View the status of the Main and Backup batteries.
Bluetooth Device * Set the parameters for a Bluetooth radio.
Certificates * Manage digital certificates used for secure communication.
Date/Time Set Date, Time, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings.
Dialing * Set dialup properties for internal modems (not supplied/supported by
Display * Set background graphic, color scheme appearance, and power scheme
Input Panel * Select the current key / data input method.
Internet Options * Set General, Connection, Security and Advanced options for Internet
Keyboard * Set key repeat delay and key repeat rate.
Mixer * Adjust the volume, record gain, and sidetone for microphone input.
Mouse * Set the double-click sensitivity for mouse clicks on the RX2 desktop.
Network and Dial Up
Set network driver properties and network access properties.
Owner Set owner details.
Password Set access password properties.
PC Connection Control the connection between the mobile device and a local desktop
or laptop computer.
PCMCIA * Radio card in Slot 0, Internal ATA in Slot 2.
Power * Set Power Off, Backlight properties. Review battery status and
perform backup battery charging/discharging.
Regional Settings Set appearance of numbers, currency, time and date based on regional
and language settings.