APIs 87
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Gen 2 Commands
KILL Kill Class 1 tag
GET Retrieves the currently set read parameters (RF power level and
Modulation depth).
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth)
READ Read Class 1 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_1_SET
PROGRAM_ID All Class 1 tags receiving this command will program the specified tag
ID in memory
LOCK_ID This command prevents any further modification of the tag ID, CRC,
and Password.
Data Format Commands
GET_MASKS Retrieves the currently set masks.
MASK_DEFINE Allows definition of a set of six masks, each containing a Field Name,
Offset, and Mask Value. Updates registry values.
MASK_READ Reads Class 0 tags or Class 1 tags depending on the value passed in for
TAG_TYPE parameter. Allows a maximum of six masks as an Input.
GET_PREAMBLE Retrieves the currently set preamble.
SET_PREAMBLE Sets preamble for the output of all read commands (TAG_0_READ,
GET_POSTAMBLE Retrieves the currently set postamble.
SET_POSTAMBLE Sets postamble for the output of all read commands (TAG_0_READ,
GET_SEPARATOR Retrieves the currently set separator.
SET_SEPARATOR Sets tag separator for the output of all read commands (TAG_0_READ,
Power Commands
READER_POWER_TIMEOUT Sets the timeout for the Reader Power Management to kick in.
When the driver is inactive for the specified time, it puts the
reader into “Disabled” mode to conserve power.
LXE RFID Get Data Commands
Get_Data Returns the tag data acquired in the last RFID Read.
WM_LXE_RFIDFULL message indicates that RFID Read is