86 APIs
RX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-RX2RG-B
RFID Driver APIs
For the development of applications to execute locally on the RX2 device, API support for the
functions described supplement the current RX2 APIs documented in the “LXE CE API
Programming Guide” (available on the LXE Manuals CD or the LXE ServicePass website).
For ease of software development, the library file, RFIDAPI.LIB, and two header files,
RFIDAPI.H and LXERFID.H, are available on theRX2 SDK CD.
System Commands
NO_CHG No Commands, RFIDchange (the system mode is not changed). Used
to retrieve firmware version.
Class 0 Commands
KILL Kill Class 0 tag (not supported)
GET Retrieves the currently set read parameters (RF power level and
Modulation depth).
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth).
READ Read Class 0 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_0_SET.
Class 1 Commands
KILL Kill Class 1 tag (not supported)
GET Retrieves the currently set read parameters (RF power level and
Modulation depth).
SET Set read parameters (RF power level and Modulation depth)
READ Read Class 1 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_1_SET
READ_ALL Read Class 1 tag IDs using parameters set by TAG_1_SET (Unlike
READ, this command does not filter out tags that do not conform to
EPC tag data standards)
PROGRAM_ID All Class 1 tags receiving this command will program the specified tag
ID in memory
VERIFY_ID All tags receiving this command will reply with their CRC, followed by
their entire ID code, followed by their Password. A tag that has
successfully executed the LOCK_ID command ignores the
VERIFY_ID command.
LOCK_ID This command prevents any further modification of the tag ID, CRC,
and Password.
ERASE_ID This command sets all bits of the tag ID, CRC, and Password to ‘0’. A
tag that has successfully executed the LOCK_ID command ignores the
ERASE_ID command
WRITE Performs/combines Program_ID and Lock_ID