Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox How To....
TIP – You can launch the Mac® iTunes® program if you want to have it connect to the Internet
and retrieve the CD Artist name and Track info for the CD. Once iTunes® does this, you can close
it and the Open dialog will then show all the actual CD Track names since they will be stored in
memory from iTunes®.
Click on the Player button above the Browser. •
Insert an Audio CD (you can disable auto-launch of CD player programs). •
Click LOAD FROM: CD, select the Track you want, and click the Open button. •
You should now see the contents of your audio CD in the window. •
If you want the dialog to
retrieve the actual name of
the CD, Artist and Track
names, click the Get CD
Info button.
Select a track and click
Play to preview the track
before loading it.
Click Refresh if you have a
CD inserted but its tracks
do not appear in the list.
Click Open to load the
selected track.
Once you click Open, you are prompted where to Save a copy of this Track – this “rips” the CD •
track to your hard drive as a WAV file. The default Save directory is your \My Documents\Line
6\Tracks folder.