Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3
items within the Hardware Memory window. It is possible to select a Bank, a Channel or a Tone. It is
also possible to select multiple Banks, multiple Channels or multiple Tones so that you can drag and
drop just the ones you want. To follow are some tips for making selections...
Selecting a Bank - Clicking in the “Bank Area” of a bank will select the entire Bank.
Click within this area to
select a Bank. All Tone slots’
backgrounds darken to indicate
the Bank is selected
Selecting a Channel - Clicking on the Channel letter (A, B, C or D) will select the entire Channel
memory. Double-clicking on the Channel will load the entire Channel into the GearBox editor (and
therefore what you will hear applied to whatever you have plugged into your POD X3).
Click within this area to select
one Channel - the Tone slot
backgrounds darken when selected
Selecting an individual Tone - An individual Tone within a Channel is selected by clicking once
directly on the individual Tone name. Double-clicking directly on a Tone will highlight the Tone’s
title so that you can edit the name.
Click within this area to select
only one Tone - the Tone slot
background darkens when selected
Double click directly on the text
name of the Tone to highlight-select
it so that you can edit the title
Selecting multiple items - Holding down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) while clicking will add
an individual item to the current selection. Holding down Shift (Mac and Windows) allows you to
select multiple contiguous items. For example, holding Command/Ctrl and clicking on channel 1A
and then 2B will select these two Channels only. Holding Shift and clicking on them will select these
two Channels and all Channels in between. Only selections of the same type will be allowed to be
appended - for example, if you have selected one Channel, you can hold Command/Ctrl and click on
any other Channel and it will also be selected, but you cannot add a Bank or individual Tone using
this action since a Channel is the initial type of item selected. As you select multiple items, each will
become shaded to indicate they are selected. If you have multiple items selected, you can hold down
Command/Ctrl and click any one item if you wish to de-select just that item.