Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3
Re-Order• - If you drag a selected Channel or Bank onto the dividing line between two
Channels or Banks, the selected data is inserted at the target location, shuffling the other
Channel/Bank data to fill in the location from where the selected came from. For example,
if you select Bank 1 and drag and drop it on the dividing line between Banks 3 and 4, this
results in the data formerly at Bank 1 moved to Bank 3, the data formerly in Bank 2 being
moved to Bank 1, and the data formerly at Bank 3 being moved to Bank 2.
Drag and Drop between Banks 1-16 and 17-31 - Since there are two separate “pages” in the
Hardware Memory window, you might be wondering just how you can drag items from Banks 1-16
over to 17-31, and vice-versa. Well, no worries we’ve got you covered here! Once you click on and
start dragging a selected bank, Channel or Tone, you’ll see a little message pop up next the Bank
toggle buttons. While dragging, just hover over the Bank Toggle buttons and this will switch you to
the other Banks page, thus allowing you to drop your dragged there.
Click and start dragging your
selected Bank, Channel or Tone...
When you see the “Drag here...” message appear,
just drag over the Bank buttons to switch to the
other Banks page.
Editing a Tone
You can select any Channel in the Hardware Window and hit ENTER on your keyboard (or just
double-click directly on the Channel’s number) and you will be switched to the GearBox main “Editor”
window where the selected Channel’s Tones are loaded for you (note that the Channel may include
one Tone or two, depending on how it was configured). This, of course, allows you to hear the Tones
and edit & Save as desired. A little speaker icon is displayed at the left of the Channel within the
Hardware Memory window to indicate which is currently loaded in the GearBox editor - for example,
here channel 1A is loaded in the GearBox editor:
Once you’ve modified any of the parameters in either of the Tones included in the loaded Channel
preset, you’ll see the Channel appear outlined in red in the Hardware Memory window to indicate it
is now in an edited state. You’ll also see that the Tone names change to italicized text. For example, in
the following example, Channel 10B is the Channel currently loaded in the GearBox editor (as you
can see by the speaker icon at the left), and the red outline and italicized text tell you that its Tone
parameters have been modified from the original Channel preset...