Operation of the side photo/TV port
The delivery comprises two alternative outfits
for the lateral photo/TV exit (Fig. 59a).
One outfit has a beam split of
1 100% visual 80 % side
2 120 % visual 80% side
The second version has a beam split of
1 100 % visual 110 % side
2 110 % visual 100 % side
If the switch rod (60.2) for the side port is pulled
out, the beam split version no. 2 is active. If the
switch rod is pushed in, beam split no. 1 applies.
Operation of the front photo/TV port
Stands either with or without SLR front port can
be supplied.
The beam split is as follows:
The side port is switched off, i. e. 100% of the
light goes to the visual light path:
If the switch rod (60.3) for the SLR exit is pulled,
50 % of the light goes to the SLR and 50% to the
Fig.␣ 60␣ ␣ Bertrand lens engaged␣
1 Lever for focusing the Bertrand lens, 2 Switch lever for side
port, 3 Switch lever for front port