Areas of application
On the Leica DM IRB/E microscope, LMC is
particularly suitable for life science applica-
Use of birefingent materials
Transparent, living cultures in petri dishes can
be observed in three dimensions, for example.
Use of a micromanipulator
The long free working distance of the S40/0.50
LMC condenser offers plenty of space for
manipulation tools. The 3D image impression
makes it easier to find suitable injection points.
Optical sectioning
LMC produces a large, flat observation area.
This makes it easier to focus a specific area for
Avoidance of halo effects
Phase contrast images are often spoiled by halo
effects. These do not occur with LMC.
Use for fluorescing specimens
Morphology of fluorescing and non-fluorescing
specimens can be analysed without changing
the objective or moving the specimen.