All techniques, not only in microscopy, are
subject to limits of performance due to basic
physical laws and principles of eye physiology.
The following information should therefore be
remembered when using the microscope.
Performance data of objectives
The Leica DM IRB microscope is based on tube
∞ (infinity) and a focal length of the tube
lens of f = 200 mm.
n. b.:
Therefore, only objectives with the
∞ engraving
and M 25 screw thread may be used.
The current objective range is constantly being
updated. Please ask your Leica agency for a
copy of the “Objective data sheets”!
Objective lettering
Examples and explanation of symbols:
Objective for tube length infinity (∞).
The objective can be used with and without a
0␣ –␣ 2
For use with coverslips with a thickness of
0 – 2 mm.
0.1␣ –␣ 1.3
For use with coverslips with a thickness of
0.1 – 1.3 mm.
The objective may only be used with a coverslip
of the standard thickness 0.17 mm. No coverslip
or a coverslip with a very different thickness will
greatly impair the image, particularly with high
objective apertures (see below).
Use without a coverslip, e. g. for cell smears,
incident light.
Technical description
∞ / -
C PLAN 10x/0.22
∞ / 0.17
C PLAN 40x/0.65