9. Contrast methods for Leica DM4000 B/DM4500 P/DM5000 B Motorized method
• After the POL contrast method has been se-
lected, the position of the polarizer is
switched inside the condenser (if the micro-
scope is equipped with these components).
The analyzer cube is also automatically
brought into the beam path. Combined methods
• For the Leica DM4000 B, DM4500 P and Leica
DM5000 B microscopes, it is possible to com-
bine purely mechanical and motorized compo-
For DM4500 P only:
After the Bertrand lens (links) is turned inwards,
CONOS appears on the display. The light intensi-
ty and aperture and field diaphragms are as-
signed to the objective currently in use (objec-
tive magnification for conoscopy is 40x, 63x or
9.1.5 Differential interference contrast (TL) DM4500 P
• Switch to the transmitted light axis (TL) by
pushing the TL/IL function key.
• Insert a specimen and rotate a suitable objec-
tive into place.
• Select the DIC contrast method.
Do so by pressing the DIC variable key.
Or by pressing the variable button.
(For details on key assignments, please see
the identification sheet.)
ICT appears on the display.
• Turn the polarizer on the underside of the con-
denser into the light path. Make sure that the
red index point on the front of the polarizer is
at 0 (Fig. 72).
Fig. 72 Turn the polarizer inward
1 Polarizer
Fig. 73 Inserting the analyzer
1 Analyzer