6. Assembly
6.4 Objectives
The receptacles on the objective turrets are
numbered (Fig. 11). Based on your equipment,
the individual objectives have already been as-
signed to specific positions at the factory.
For details on the exact positions of the objec-
tives, please refer to the enclosed identifica-
tion sheet.
Close vacant threads in the turret with dust pro-
tection caps!
6.5 Light sources for the transmitted light axis
Ensure that the lamp housing has been dis-
connected from the power supply. Unplug
the power plug and the power supply during
Light sources pose a potential irradiation risk
(glare, UV-radiation, IR-radiation). Therefore,
lamps have to be operated in closed hous-
Lamp housing 107/2
This lamp housing is used with a 12 V 100 W
halogen lamp, which is already mounted.
In case the lamp has to be removed:
• Remove the fastener screw on the housing
(Fig. 12).
• Remove the housing by pulling it upwards.
• Remove the lamp.
Fig. 11
Objective turret with engraved objective receptacles