8. Operation
8.7 Magnification changer
Optionally, a coded magnification changer can
be used, which is manually operated.
On the knurled ring, the following magnification
factors can be set:
B stand M stand
1x 1x
1.25x 1.5x
1.6x 2x
The selected factor is indicated in the display
and included in the total magnification.
8.8 HC P 1x/1.6x tube optics
with Bertrand lens (encoded)
These optics were developed especially for po-
larizing microscopy; however, they can also be
used for all other methods.
• If needed, switch the Bertrand lens off and
the 1x tube factor on.
For the HC P (Pol) tube optics, switching to the
1x tube factor is sufficient.
Setting the tubes and eyepieces → p. 53f.
• 1x tube factor, can be switched to 1.6x
• Bertrand lens, can be activated, encoded,
focused and centered
• Iris diaphragm in the intermediate image for
masking out small particles (15 µm for the
100x objective).
Built-in, depolarized quartz plate:
This plate prevents interference colors, which
are caused by tube prism polarization effects
(pseudopleochroism), when the analyzer is con-
nected and the polarizer is switched on; howev-
er, it only prevents this when the 1x tube factor
is being used.
When using the 1.6 fix tube factor, make sure
that the useful magnification for high objective
magnifications and apertures (objective aper-
ture x 1000) is not exceeded to the point that
overmagnification causes a blurry image im-