Ignition System
Safety Instructions
The ignition system produces extremely high volt-
age. Do not touch the spark plug, ignition coil, or
high tension lead while the engine is running, or
you could receive a severe electrical shock.
Crankshaft Sensor Installation (KX65 A6F
Install the crankshaft sensor so that the air gap (clearance
between the flywheel and the crankshaft sensor core) has
correct clearance (see Flywheel Magneto Installation).
Crankshaft Sensor Air Gap Adjustment (KX65A6F
Remove the magneto cover.
Loosen the crankshaft sensor screws [A].
Insert a 0.5 mm thickness gauge [B] between the crank-
shaft sensor core and the timing plate.
While pressing the crankshaft sensor toward the magneto
flywheel, tighten the coil screws and remove the thickness
Check the air gap (See Flywheel Magneto Installation).
Crankshaft Sensor Air Gap: 0.4 ∼ 0.6 mm (0.016 ∼ 0.024
If the air gap is not within the specified range, readjust the
Crankshaft Sensor Inspectio n (KX65A6F
Remove the following
Magneto Lead Connector [A]
Set the hand tester [B] to the × 100 Ω range and connect
it to the magneto lead connector (crankshaft sensor lead)
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If there is more resistance than the specified value, the
coil has an open lead and must be replaced. Much less
than this resistance means the c oil is shorted, and must
be replaced.
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance
W/G ∼ W/R Leads: 396 ∼ 594 Ω (× 100 Ω)
Using the highest resistance range of the hand tester,
measure the resistance between the crankshaft sensor
leads and chassis ground.
Any hand tester reading less than infinity (∞) indicates a
short, necessitating replacement of the stator.